25 - 25
Initially made for the SNO 62 project. Artists: Justin Andrews, Linda Arts, Chris Ashley, Sanne Bruggink, Christoph Dahlhausen, Matthew Deleget, René Eicke, Billy Gruner, Brent Hallard, José Heerkens, Gilbert Hsiao, Arjan Janssen, Sarah Keighery, Alexandra Roozen, Léopoldine Roux, Giles Ryder, Clary Stolte, John Tallman, Tilman, Richard Van Der Aa, Iemke Van Dijk, Jasper Van Der Graaf, Henriëtte Van 't Hoog, Jan Maarten Voskuil and Guido Winkler.
The 25 - 25 IS box contains work of 25 artists at 25 x25 cm. The edition consists of 75 boxes. Available at 490 EUR.
(image) Some works spread out on the floor at SNO. Tilman, Tallman, Heerkens, Hallard, Hsiao, Arts, Voskuil, Winkler, Andrews, Roux, Dahlhausen, Van Der Graaf, Deleget, Van Der Aa.