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Please join us on Sunday, September 23rd to help us celebrate the opening of Soft Luminosity, a new exhibition at IS-projects. Running concurrently with Kunstroute Leiden, the show's opening will begin at 4pm, and soft bubbles will be served. Exhibition runs until 28 October.

Participating artists are:
Pieter Bijwaard, Mel Prest, Taney Roniger, Veerle Thoben and Mark de Weijer.

In conjunction with this exhibition, we will be presenting a new IS-box, designed by Stephan de Smet in co-operation with Pieter Bijwaard. The box itself has been printed at Alex Barbaix and Lenoirschuring. Each edition will consist of 5 multiples in a variety of media (i.e. drawing, photo, paperpulp, inkjet print) and size, and will cost 350 EUR plus shipment. It is a limited edition of 20 sets only, so make sure you will get one before we will open our shop online. For making your reservation: send mail here please.

Iemke van Dijk and Guido Winkler
Drie Octoberstraat 16-A
2313 ZP Leiden

IS = open
from Mo - Sat between 13 - 17 h, after appointment
and, Sundays between 14 - 17 h

Please make your appointment for a private view here
Or, telephone:
+31 (0)71 5149882
+31 (0)6 28634370
+31 (0)6 38748183

Image: Mark de Weijer's installation at artist's initiative JCA de Kok, The Hague
(photo courtesy: Hein van Liempd)

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