Part of our next show is a presentation of the beautiful first issue of Berlin's editioner Edition Norm.
The first issue consists of several prints/multiples in seperate boxes.
Four artists from this edition will show work at IS-projects.
As always, a picture says more than a thousand words. So here we show some images from this edition,

The box. Sweet!

What's in it?

Open up and reveal! (here, Guido Winkler)
Find out more on their website and please click on every name and image you see. At first sight you may be fooled. Actually, the site is quite informative and beautiful.
http://www.edition-norm.comEdition Norm, Issue No.1, the artists:
Dieter Balzer
Michael Bause
René van den Bos
Antonio Catelani
Daniël Göttin
Henriëtte van 't Hoog
Nicola Stäglich
Guido Winkler
Michaela Zimmer