What we do. How we track and how we store your personal data?
When subscribing, IS-projects collects and saves your basic personal data to inform. Only with your consent, it also may be used to start a transaction. If you will ever ask us to be removed from our list we will simply delete all attached data from our records. We don't track data. This website is free of third party advertisement.
Nothing else we have ever done with data. In more than ten years of our existence, we can say we have never sold, nor given away any personal information without mutual interest and customer's consent.
Third parties may collect and store data. They must comply to the General Data Protection Regulation too.
For website tracking we use Google and this site uses Sitewit. We have implemented social media buttons like Facebook and Twitter. For financial transactions we prefer Paypal. This site is made with Yola. For our mailinglist we use Mailchimp.
IS-projects collects and stores data on a rather small scale (<1000).