Edgar Diehl first published his book on color in 2005 (German, Amazon, 5 stars). The brand new issue is 25% rewritten. It gives also an extra chapter in which for the first time  the psychological meaning of color combinations are published at all. It is one of the few books about color which avoids the error to take cultural convention as color psychology. It gives an overlook to the psychological appreciations of collectives through the decades from 1950 till now. So it can be called a Social History of Color. This is related to the development of society in Germany but it also has meaning for the Netherlands and Switserland.

Most interesting for artists is the chapter about what is an academy good for and how is thinking and perception linked to the development of visual ability. Brain research, art theory and working day conciousness in relation to artistic thinking are more  themes in the book, which is written in a easy narrative language.

320 pages - 37,80 EUR - ISBN 978-3-927369-57-3 - download the flyer with all info (German) at the top of this page.
Edagr Diehl has been invited to show his work during Schnittstellen and will attend the opening.